
It Works

Getting Started

Start your journey effortlessly with our step-by-step guide on how to become a RepairFind contractor, ensuring a smooth and straightforward process.

1. Sign Up

Join RepairFind for immediate access to exclusive repair opportunities in your area.

2. Create Your Profile

Choose the services you wish to provide and specify your work location.

3. Verify Eligibility

Submit any required business verifications, certifications and background check documents to ensure a secure platform for all users.

4. Fee Payment

There are no upfront payments to use RepairFind!

5. Set Your Schedule and Work Area

Define your weekly schedule and receive job notifications immediately.

6. Start Getting Jobs

Scale your business at your own pace.

1. Sign Up

Join RepairFind effortlessly for immediate access to exclusive repair opportunities.

2. Create Your Profile

Choose the services you wish to provide and specify their locations.

3. Verify Eligibility

Submit any required business verifications and background check documents to ensure a secure platform for all users.

4. Fee Payment

There are no upfront payments to use RepairFind!

5. Set Your Schedule and Work Area

Define your weekly schedule and receive job notifications immediately.

6. Start Getting Jobs

Scale your business at your own pace.

Help & Support

For FAQs and information on how our app works, explore our Help & Support section below. Feel free to reach out to us if you can’t find the answers to your questions, we are happy to help!

All you need to do is sign up for an account and supply some information such as your business details, your GST number, and your contractor license number. To ensure only the best contractors work with RepairFind, we do a verification of business.

Nothing! There is no cost to get up and running with RepairFind!

RepairFind will send you any funds made from jobs directly to your bank account.

Once you have set up your account, been verified, all you need to do is set up your availability, area you want to work and what skills you can offer and the customers will come!

Need More Help?

Feel free to reach out to us with your questions!

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+1 (604)-999-9999

Live Chat

Weekdays: 5am to 7pm
Weekends: 6am to 5pm

Call Us

+1 (604)-999-9999

Live Chat

Weekdays: 5am to 7pm
Weekends: 6am to 5pm

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